This is your first Bowen session where I get to know you and what you ailments you may have.
This is also when I can answer any questions you may have about the Bowen technique.
You will then have your first Bowen treatment.
Duration: 1 Hour
If you are new to Bowen it is essential that you receive 2 follow up sessions a week apart in order to start seeing/feeling the best results.
If you have been receiving Bowen for a while a follow up session can be seen as a general session.
Duration: 45min-1hr
Perfect for 2 people to experience Bowen together. Whether it be couples, mother & daughter, Friends and any other couple in-between.
Duration: 45min-1hr
These sessions are for children aged 0 -12 years. Children's sessions work a little bit differently to adults sessions. A parent or guardian must be present at all times.
Duration : 30min - 1 hr